Marketing seems intuitive and easy but the amount of time, creative energy, and constant change necessary for an effective campaign can be overwhelming. In fact, only 61% of marketers believe their marketing strategy is effective. Marketers have a hard time narrowing down what tools and methods are best and worth their time to work into their processes for real results.

Our team has compiled the 10 tools we’ve found to be extremely valuable in helping us save time, automate tasks, and make real conversions that your team can really benefit from:

Here are the 10 best marketing tools for 2018:

Keywords Everywhere extension.

A big part of your marketing effort should be SEO research. The Keywords Everywhere extension helps you track google keyword search volume, cost per click and competition data of keywords on multiple websites. You don’t have to switch between your keyword tool and your Google Keyword Planner. You can see all of the relevant search data on competitors in real time and seek out the long tail keywords you need to reach your target audience. It works for both Google Chrome and Firefox.

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A bit more detailed and robust in terms of research, SpyFu is an awesome tool that lets you get a little more information on competitors SEOs rankings, ad strategy, and keyword rankings as well as understand the web of competitive keywords you need to navigate for a solid content marketing strategy. You can search just about anything: URLs, keywords, specific pages, backlinks, etc. to better map out your strategy.

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Beamer is an effortless marketing tool that turns your web page into an interactive and effective user experience. Beamer is an in-site or app newsfeed that integrates right into your user experience. Users simply click a “What’s new” tab on your navigation or an icon and a newsfeed full of updates and suggestions appears discreetly on the side of your site. You can create updates for just about anything: special offers, new content, news, or simply entice users to explore other areas of your site. You can add photos, videos, and actionable CTA buttons to engage users. Beamer gets the constant traffic you’re directing to your site engaged so potential leads spend more time on your site and your bounce rate goes down. 

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Managing a marketing team is an absolute mess over email. With a lot of moving parts, creative opinions, and rapid communication necessary to run a marketing campaign across several mediums, your team need something to organize and communicate together effectively. Hibox is a complete digital workspace for teams that includes all the tools you need to collaborate and organize. It’s team chat, task management, file sharing, and video calls combined into one simple interface. You don’t need to get everyone signed up and logged into multiple tools to be able to collaborate and work together. No important messages, tasks, and files get lost in organized and focused chat streams. Your team can better plan and delegate work ahead of deadlines with the task calendar. It’s a perfect way to better organize your team’s conversation, make it actionable, and delegate the work effectively to get more done in less time.

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Unbounce is a really easy to use tool to create fast and effective landing pages for your website. Nearly anyone can learn to create beautiful landing pages and set them live to convert more traffic. Hence the name! You can also create popups and sticky bars in the same easy interface to capture leads’ information and make your site more engaging. You can quickly put together and edit these useful components to match your brand and marketing strategy, no developer necessary. There are easy and effective templates to quickly design from. There are plenty of integrations to get your leads’ information to your email tools for a flawless and efficient launch. 

Another easy way to create great looking content like infographics and presentations is Venngage.

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As your team directs traffic to your site, one of your biggest objectives is of course collecting potential leads’ information so you can continue to market to them. Doing this and getting your user experience set up properly to do this can be difficult. Typeform makes it very easy. Typeform helps you create really intuitive and well designed forms, surveys, quizzes, polls, and shopping carts that engage your users and convert better.

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Zapier is a tool that helps you connect all of the tools you use in your marketing process and save you a ton of steps by automating much of what you do. Zapier has integrations for hundreds of tools you use everyday. For example, you can use Zapier to create a “zap” that links your Beamer feed on your site with your twitter and Facebook. You can then configure it to where every time you post a new update on Beamer, it’s automatically posted on Facebook and Twitter. There is tons more you can do between email tools, social media tools, etc to better automate your process and save you time.

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Sniply lets you add a simple and engaging CTA to every link you share anywhere to better convert where you share your content. You can add a button that gets much more engagement to any page that links back to your website. Any article where you’re mentioned or you share a link will actively draw users to your site with some text and a button like bellow. Instead of hoping your highlighted link will be clicked, you can now boost click throughs significantly with no effort everytime you share a link.

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Optimizely is a tool that allows you to run constant tests across your various platforms and collected valuable data so you can perfect your campaigns and increase conversions by 5X. You can run multiple tests on just about any feature on your pages simultaneously. With an easy to use visual editor and code flexibility, your team can do so much and get instant results for quick decision making and a constantly improving user experience and campaign.

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All-in-one SEO pack.

This is a vital WordPress staple. This plugin helps you tackle all of the technical details necessary to optimize your content and pages for your Google Ranking. It helps you manage your XML sitemap, advanced canonical URLs, automates your meta descriptions, and notifies search engines of changes you’re making to your site. You can cover all the bases of your long term traffic strategy without having to put a ton of time into it.

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Just using a few of these can help shave hours off your team’s workload and make better conversion an automatic result. To save your team time, increase conversions, and improve your user experience instantly, try Beamer for free today.