On you Beamer dashboard, click on the analytics icon on the left hand side bar.
You’ll be able to see graphs and user lists with all interactions sorted in the following types: ‘total views’, ‘unique views’, ‘clicks’, ‘push subscriptions‘ and ‘push clicks‘.
You can filter the users by period clicking on the dates on the top right of the graph.
You can sort the users by any parameter by clicking on the respective parameter heading in the table.
You can search specific data by using the individual search bars under each of the parameter’s headings.
What type of interactions are tracked?
Total views is the total amount of times each of the posts has been seen by a user in the selected time period.
Unique views count the number of distinct posts each user has seen. One unique view is counted for every distinct user that sees a post (if the same user sees the same post several times, this still counts as only one unique view).
Clicks is the amount of clicks you received on any link in your post during the selected time period (not just the call to action link but any other included in your post).
Push subscriptions is the number of users or visitors that subscribed to your push notifications.
Push clicks is the number of users or visitors that click on one of your push notifications in the selected time period.
What parameters are tracked?
Remember: For transparency sake and a legal requirement in some jurisdictions, always communicate to your users that you are tracking their data. Explain them what specific data are your tracking and for what aim.
Parameters tracked with the Beamer Embed Code.
These are optional parameters that you can include in your Beamer Embed Code, such as name, email and user ID to see which specific users have viewed or clicked your posts or push notifications. ID and email won’t appear if you aren’t tracking these parameters, and an automatically generated alias will be included instead of a name. If you are using filters to segment your users, those will also be registered as parameters.
name (or an automatically generated alias if name is not tracked)
email (optional)
user ID (optional unique identification number)
filters (optional)
Parameters tracked by IP.
Geographical information as city and country is tracked by IP address (as closest as possible). Remember that users can use VPNs or other methods to hide their geographical information.
Parameters tracked by request.
Other data is extracted by requests. This information is tracked automatically and may help you identify and segment your users even if you aren’t tracking any individual information.
date (the time when the interaction happened)
post (the specific post where the interaction happened)
origin (the type of Beamer feed where the interaction occurred)
ref url (the url where the Beamer feed was embedded)
os (operative system, as Windows or Mac)
What about User Segmentation?
The users that interact with your content will be measured in your Analytics and also will be available for segmentation. This feature is included only in our Scale plan.
Go to Users in the left hand menu to see a list of all your users.
You can sort them using the filters in the top of the screen and creating segments. For more information on Advanced User Segmentation please read this guide.
You can also sort the users by clicking on the heading of each column of the table.
You can toggle columns and pick what you want to see by clicking on the column icon at the top right of the table.
You can see detailed information on each user’s interactions by clicking on a user. That will display a window with their individual profile.
All your analytics will be available in your Users view. The table will display equivalents of the interaction types listed above.
Post views is the total amount of times the user has opened your feed (according to the filters if they apply).
Post clicks is the amount of clicks the user has made on any link in your post including but not limited to the call to action (according to the filters if they apply).
Push views is the number of times the user has seen a push notification you sent them.
Push clicks is the number of times the user has clicked on a push notification you sent them.
Advanced User Analytics offers many other features you can use to measure, track and engage with user interactions. Learn more here.